Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I have many-a-tale of poo

I have many-a-tale of poo
1) While on holiday in america I was on the bus with me sister who was 17 at the time. She leans over to me and says 'Tom I think I just followed through'. Now this might not have been so bad had it not been for the fact she was wearing a thong.

2) My sister used to sleepwalk alot when she was younger and once, she went into my mum and dads room, dropped her pyjama bottoms, did a big diarrohea poo on my dads new jeans which were on a stool and then proceeded to comb her hair while looking in the mirror.

3) My mate works at a local Matalan store and went to tidy the changing rooms but to discover someone had decided to use one cubicle and toilet and proceeded to do a massive sloppy poo in the corner of it.

More to come.

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